Take Viagra Save Species in Jeopardy

Take Viagra Save Species in Jeopardy

Blog Article

Whenever there is a discussion about Viagra or even the word Viagra strikes our mind the first thing that we think is erectile dysfunction but have we ever in our wildest dream thought that Viagra can be helpful in saving a lot of endangered species.

Surprised! But thats true, the blue magical pill has spread its aura beyond erectile dysfunction, its not only benefiting human beings in achieving a healthy sexual life but also animals in surviving.

A survey conducted by Australian and American researchers revealed astounding results, the survey was conducted on more than 250 Chinese men aged 50 to 70 and the results were unbelievable.

They found that these men these me were more likely to be taking western erectile dysfunction treatment drug like Viagra in comparison to their traditional preferences which included seal genitalia, sea horses, geckos, green turtles and tiger bone.

The research was promoted and financed by copyright (the manufacturers of Viagra under the leadership of Bill von Hippel, a Psychologist in the University of Wales along with his brother Frank, a biologist at the University of Alaska

The dependability of the survey has been authenticated by the fact that there has been a sharp decline in the price of seal genitalia. The prices which were at a time, mounting up to $100 Canadian to around $20 Canadian after the launch of Viagra in 1998. Seal genitals are of very rare use outside the animal potency trade and thus the decline clearly portrays the impact of Viagra and other such drugs in reducing the consumption of traditional male impotency drugs.

Its is also being predicted that the situation will remain as it is- the prices of seal genitals will remain low and even their market wont extend, which clearly reflects the permanent decline in demand, thus indirectly saving the species.

This miserable trade in seal penises when combined with the traditional medicine consumption clearly vindicates that Viagra and other new erectile dysfunction drugs are helpful in conserving certain animal species. The best part of the development is that none of the Chinese man has switched from Viagra back to traditional therapies.

I would love to conclude with a friendly message, take Viagra and make your contribution in saving the endangered species. Viagra is effectual as well as an easy solution for erectile dysfunction.


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